
AY 2013 Freshers’ Leave Year Program (FLY Program) Holds Report Presentation Meeting and Post-meeting Gathering

May 14, 2014

Date of activity: May 10, 2014

The Report Presentation Meeting for the students who participated in the AY 2013 Freshers’ Leave Year Program (FLY Program) was held on May 10th (Sat) at the 21 KOMCEE (21 Komaba Center for Educational Excellence) Lecture Hall on the Komaba Campus. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting, including FLY Program participants (students who participated in the AY 2013 program and those who plan to participate in the AY 2014 program), representatives from supporting organizations, and others involved with the program from both within and outside of the University of Tokyo.

The meeting opened with a welcome speech from Director and Executive Vice President Hasegawa, as well as words of appreciation from President Hamada to the eleven students who completed the AY 2013 program.

Following the opening speeches, all of the eleven students who participated in the AY 2013 program gave presentations about what they did during their year away from the University. In their speeches, they talked about the simple discoveries and surprises they experienced in ways of life different from what they had been used to. They also discussed how they faced their failures and troubles head-on and were able to overcome them, demonstrating how they grew into more resilient individuals.

After the students gave their presentations, Professor Teruo Fujii, the Chairperson of the FLY Program Promotion Committee who has been involved with the program from the start, gave a briefing on the objectives of the FLY Program and reviewed the past year’s operation of the program. Professor Fujii then expressed his gratitude for the assistance from the members of the supporting organizations and the others involved with the program from both within and outside of the University.

Finally, President Hamada awarded Completion Certificates to all of the participating students, bringing the Report Presentation Meeting to a close.

After the Report Presentation Meeting, a social gathering was held at the restaurant Lever son verre. The gathering focused on presentations given by the eight students who will be participating in the AY 2014 program about what they plan to do during their time in the program. Their presentations, while mixed with both expectations and anxiety over their future plans, revealed each student’s enthusiasm and ambition.

The presentations were followed by words of encouragement for the students who are about to begin the program from Dean Ishii of the College of Arts and Sciences.

The gathering also provided an opportunity for the program participants and others involved with the program to actively exchange opinions with each other, and was considered a success in all aspects.

About the FLY Program (Japanese only)

  • A Student Giving a Presentation
    A Student Giving a Presentation
  • Another Student Giving a Presentation
    Another Student Giving a Presentation
  • Awarding Completion Certificates
    Awarding Completion Certificates
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