This summer, students of Princeton University will visit the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) as part of their curriculum. They will attend the courses offered by Princeton professors and join various activities.
The sessions are designed to enhance mutual understanding and friendship between UTokyo and Princeton students through the following interactive activities:
◆ Campus tour by UTokyo students and Welcome Party
◆ Film and Discussion Night with Princeton students
◆ "Dialogue at UTokyo GlobE" (Students' dialogue with President Teruo Fujii)
◆ Farewell Party
Participants from UTokyo are encouraged to deepen the mutual understanding with Princeton students and improve global competence or “the ability to live and work together with all kinds of people throughout the world”.
UTokyo participants can optionally audit the lectures offered by Princeton professors for their students as part of their curriculum. *The lectures are conducted in English.
※ All of the sessions are held on Hongo Campus, UTokyo.
※ Students of Colombia University will join some of the sessions.
● Application Procedures:
An application has to be made through the online form. For details of application procedures, please see the Application Guidelines shown below.
● Application Deadline: 5:00 p.m., May 16 (Thu), 2024 (JST)
【Application Guidelines】Interactive Sessions with Students of Princeton University (AY2024Summer)
Go Global Gateway Team
International Education Promotion Group, The University of Tokyo
go-gateway.adm [at]