• Japan India Exchange Platform Program
  • 日本語

Overall discussion by four Universities as noted above


Prof. NAGAI Yukari, Vice President of the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, moderated the overall discussion where all the speakers came together and discussed ideas of sending more students to and from Japan and India as well as more researchers to India.

Prof. BISWAS pointed out the importance of strengthening the partnership by furthering the various collaborations and involving other interested organizations in the Japan-India exchange. He added that joint research taking advantage of each other’s fields of strength would lead to the next cooperation such as joint degree or double degree programs.

Prof. SATISH KUMAR commented that it is important to provide Indian students with the opportunity of choosing Japan instead of European countries or the United States as their destination to study abroad as earliest as possible. He pointed out that the opportunities for students to work as researchers or employees in Japan should be made available.

Professor Emeritus SUZUKI pointed out that it is important to build a network hub connecting the specialized field at universities in Japan and India. He mentioned that it is difficult to see the cooperation that already exists between the many Japanese and Indian researchers. He commented that we should discover these inapparent cooperation and let the researchers become part of the hub allowing them to deepen the relationship between India and Japan, resulting in the hub bearing fruit.

Prof. KOYAMA mentioned that it is very important to meet Indian people. He commented that many Japanese companies are surprised at how outstanding the students of Indian Institute of Technology and Indian are and that the students are also surprised at the cultural differences between Japan and India, and that they are then able to take their experiences back to their home country. He told that Gifu University would like to maintain the opportunities of Japan-India exchange.

Prof. ASHIZAWA mentioned that they would have Indian researchers join the programs for venture ecosystems and create case studies and eco models for the Asia-Pacific region, as most are based on the English-speaking regions as well as Europe and North America, to nurture young entrepreneurs.