Akamonkai Board of Directors


2021年4月:新役員リスト(2021年4月付 発効)は以下の通りです。
役職 (Appointment) 氏名 (Name) 所属/専攻 (Affiliation)
名誉会長 Honorary President Mr. N.R Narayana Murthy Founder of INFOSYS,
Committee Member of UTokyo President Counsil
理事 会長 EC Director President Mr. Shrikrishna Kulkarni Chairman of Board of Governors-IIM Calcutta
Master of Engineering-Electrical
理事 副会長 EC Director Vice President Dr. (Ms.) Ranjana Mukhopadyaya Professor, Study of East Asia University of Delhi
PhD in Literature
理事 副会長 EC Director Vice President 追って決定  
理事 前会長 EC Director Immediate Past President Dr. (Mr.) Sudhir Misra Professor Civil Engineering IIT Kanpur
PhD in Engineering-Civil
理事 前副会長 Director Immediate Past Vice President Dr. (Mr.) Shahanak Bishnoi Associate Dean (Infrastructure), IIT Delhi
Professor, Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi
Master of Engineering-Civil
理事 新任 Director 追って決定  
理事 新任 Director based in Tokyo,Japan 熊本 義寛 Senior Executive Officer High Speed Rail Project in India
East Japan Railway Company Bachelor of Engineering-Civil
理事 新任 Director Dr. (Mr.) Absar A.Kazmi Professor Civil Engineering IIT Roorkee
PhD in Engineering-Urban Development
理事 新任 Director Dr. (Ms) Sonali Chauhan Post doctoral researcher,
Graduate School of Agriculture and Life sciences, The University of Tokyo
Ph.D. in Agriculture Development Studies
理事 新任 Director Mr. K.K Varma Chief Engineer
Uttar Pradesh Metro Rail Corporation Limited.
Master of Engineering - Civil
理事 再任 Director 繁田 奈歩 Managing Director INFOBRIDGE HOLDINGS GROUP LIMITED
Bachelor of Education
理事 新任 Director 安藤 俊英 Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan in India
Bachelor of Economics
理事 新任 Director 藤原 秀亘 Representative JICA India Office
Bachelor of Agriculture
理事 新任 Director 末永 繁一 Chief Representative Toray Industires.Inc. for India
Chairman Toray Industiries ( India ) Pvt. Ltd.
事務局長 Secretary General 宮内 康行 Director, The Universtiy of Tokyo India Office
前副会長 Immediate Past Vice President 吉野 宏 Former Director The University of Tokyo india Office
Bachelor of Science - Chemistry
*EC: Executive Committee