

Second Countdown Event: “Sports and The University of Tokyo”

September 13, 2024 Countdown Event

Sports are not just something that you can “do.” There is a variety of ways to get involved in sports, including watching, supporting, making and connecting.
For this event, the second Countdown Event of the UTokyo 150th Anniversary Project, under the theme “UTokyo Sports for ALL,” we will consider the wide and diverse world of sports from a perspective unique to UTokyo.
This event is not only for athletes and sports fans, but also the inexperienced and even those who generally avoid sports. Taking a multifaceted approach considering the past, present and future, we will look at how sports were played, are being played and will be played at the University of Tokyo. There are also a number of side events at exhibition booths through which you can experience the various sports activities of UTokyo and their histories, along with futuristic cutting-edge sports research.

Registration Method

Second Countdown Event: “Sports and The University of Tokyo”
Event date and time Saturday, October 19, 2024 13:30 – 18:00
Event location Yasuda Auditorium, The University of Tokyo and online (Zoom webinar)
Maximum number of participants 700 (Yasuda Auditorium), 3,000 (Online)
Participation cost Free (Advance registration required)


Facilitator: Takeshi Tange (Deputy Director General, Division for External Relations, The University of Tokyo)

Opening Remarks Atsushi Tsuda (Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo)
Keynote Speech
Koji Murofushi
Koji Murofushi (Commissioner, Japan Sports Agency)

“The Past and Future of UTokyo Sports”

Atsushi Deguchi
Atsushi Deguchi (Executive Director and Vice President, The University of Tokyo / Chairperson, Athletic Foundation of the University of Tokyo)

“Daily/Special sport activities in the early days of the University of Tokyo”

Keita Nakanishi
Keita Nakanishi (Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo Archives [in charge of 150-year history], The University of Tokyo)

In the early days of the University of Tokyo, various Western sports were introduced. Meanwhile, Japanese budo, which used to be a martial art during the Edo period, was also popular. While there were special athletics events that took place instead of lectures, there were also exercises people enjoyed in their daily lives. This presentation will examine the many sides of “sport activities” in the early days of the University of Tokyo.

“What athletic life in university gave me”

Sakura Uchiyama
Sakura Uchiyama (Senior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

The speaker belonged to the track and field club during her university life as a student in the Faculty of Medicine, and she won a national intercollegiate championship when she was in her sixth year. She reflects on her competitive life as a university athlete and speaks about what that experience gave her.

“The Global Physical Inactivity Crisis: What Can You and UTokyo Do?”

Masamitsu Kamada
Masamitsu Kamada (Lecturer, Department of Health Education and Health Sociology, School of Public Health, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

Physical activity is crucial for maintaining and improving health, but physical inactivity is spreading and worsening globally. What can we do for ourselves and for the world? The latest research insights will be shared to guide this discussion.

“Understanding of sports deepened by data measurement and analysis”

Daichi Nozaki
Daichi Nozaki (Professor, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo / Director, The University of Tokyo Sports Science Initiative)

Advances in technology for measuring and analyzing motion and physiological data are transforming efforts to enhance athletic performance and coaching methods, while also deepening our understanding of sports. In this talk, Professor Nozaki will present examples of current data use in sports and explore its potential, drawing on specific cases from the University of Tokyo Sports Science Initiative project.

Panel Discussion
Finale (performance by the UTokyo Cheer Squad)
Closing Remarks

Side Events (10:00-16:00)

A number of events where you can experience the various sports activities of UTokyo and their histories, and futuristic cutting-edge research will be held in various locations on Hongo Campus. Please check them out! (No registration required.)

Exhibiting Organizations

Registration Method

You must register in advance to participate. Please note that the type of registration form required varies depending on your method of participation.

* Registration will be closed once the maximum number of participants has been reached.


  • There are no plans to record or stream this event.
  • If you require special accommodations for disabilities, etc., please contact the Management Strategy Group at least three weeks before the event. (Contact)