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Mr. Tarun Sreepada



ICTG course,University of Aizu, Bachelor 1st Year


Please give a short introduction about yourself.

I am from Bangalore, Karnataka, but my family is from Andra Pradesh. I enjoy tinkering with my Raspberry Pi and Arduino but as of late, I haven't been able to do much. I like to spend my time outside when its not blistering hot and in winters I like to make some hot chocolate with some marshmallows and chocolate shavings.
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What is your favorite thing about Aizu?

Aizu is a really chill place. It's not like Okinawa with the weather but there's plenty of greenery and not much noise, air, or light pollution so it is very calm and soothing unlike major cities such as Tokyo. You can travel a two or three dozen kilometers west and enjoy the night sky. There's the mountains nearby and a lake on the east of the city so it is a nice place to take a break and relax.

In what ways has your impression of Aizu changed since coming here?

I used to think that Aizu would be a city centered around farming rice and brewing alcohols because that was what I had experienced spending time in this city but the rich history of Aizu has shown me it is much more than that. It played a vital role during the Meiji restoration and teaching children to be strong samurai due to its unique teaching methods.

What attracted you to choose University of Aizu as a place to study?

I have always been interested in how computers work since a child. What are process nodes and how does the manufacturing of these silicon wafers work? They fascinate me because they seem like magic, when it’s the cumulative work of scientists, engineers, and mathematicians coming together and create this wonder. I want to understand how these work. That is why I chose University of Aizu. It specializes in computer science and engineering and teach me how computers work.
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Please write a message to students or researchers in your home country who may be thinking about studying in Japan.

Nature wise, Japan is a really nice country. In the winter you can experience snow, which I haven't in India, and in the spring you can enjoy the nice calm weather with flowers blooming, or in my case I had pollen allergies so I was crying my way to work or classes. However if you are a vegan or a vegetarian you'll likely be limited to making your own food at home or finding some obsecure restaurants and shops to buy spices. Most of these shops do have deliveries but still it is a hassle.
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