Nature Masterclasses "Impressive Academic Presentation"
開催日 | 2024/03/18 - 2024/03/19 |
開催概要 | 第1回 日時:3月18日(月)13:00-17:00 場所:理学部1号館東棟2階 279講義室(Sky Lecture Room) 定員:150名(先着順) 内容:Planning your narrative / Poster presentations / Slide presentations 第2回 日時:3月19日(火)9:00-12:00 場所:本部棟12階大会議室 定員:30名(先着順) ※第1・2回の両方に出席でき、自身の研究紹介スライド(3枚:イントロダクション、図/データ、コンクルージョン)を当日のアクティビティのために準備できる方に限ります。 内容:Professional presentation skills / Presentation activity |
講師 | Jeffrey Robens, Ph.D (Head of Community Engagement and Lead Trainer, Nature Portfolio) Dr Jeffrey Robens is Head of Community Engagement at Nature Portfolio and is the Lead Trainer for the Expert Trainer-led Nature Masterclasses—training workshops to improve publication output worldwide. He has strong scientific qualifications with 20 years of academic experience and numerous publications and awards. He received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania and then worked at premier research institutes in Singapore and Japan. Since leaving academia in 2012, he has conducted over 600 days of academic training workshops worldwide to help researchers improve their publication quality and impact. |
申込方法 | 申込方法の詳細はUTokyo Portalの通知をご確認ください。 学生の皆さまはUTASをご参照ください。 |