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1739 books have been listed on UTokyo BiblioPlaza as of February 14, 2025.
Kotoba to Sekai ga k...
Words are changing their meanings in natural langu...
Arts and Sciences
Jimu ni Odoru Hitobi...
This book begins with skepticism toward the habitu...
Kinsei no Jinja, Mon...
This book attempts to shed light on the state of s...
Genji monogatari no ...
This book provides an easy-to-understand explanati...
Motto Toikakeru Ho-T...
Should vaccinations be mandatory? Should children ...
Law and Politics
Housyasen Anzen Kanr...
Radiation is encountered in various environments a...
Mippu Sengen No Kiso
Jishin Higai no Mult...
Research on the causal factors of earthquake-relat...
Aru Eikoku Haiyu no ...
A few minutes’ walk away from the British Mu...
Russia uchu shugi
From the late 19th to the first half of the 20th c...
Nihon Keizai Ron
This is the Japanese translation of The Japanese E...
Gyōseihō no Kiso Rir...
This book compiles a series of essays that appeare...
Community no Shakaig...
This book results from the collaborative efforts o...
Kenryoku wo Yomitoku...
This book was written as a college-level introduct...
Josei no Inai Minshu...
A democracy is typically defined as a political sy...
Itsudatsu no France ...
This book project began with a request from the pu...