a white and bright yellow cover


Shinri no Tankyu (The Quest for Truth - Dialogue between Buddhism and Astrophysics)


SASAKI Shizuka, OOGURI Hirosi


257 pages, paperback pocket edition




November 30, 2016



Published by

Gentosha Literary Publication

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Shinri no Tankyu

Japanese Page

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Buddha observed his own mind to explore human nature, while physicists try to identify fundamental laws of nature using scientific methods. Although their approaches are different, their aim to find the truth about this world is the same. Reflecting on the history of Buddhism, the book explores Buddhism in the 21st century with new insights on the universe revealed by the frontier of modern physics through dialogues between a Buddhist scholar and a physicist.


(Written by OOGURI Hirosi, Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe / 2020)

Related Info

Book review:
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, December 18, 2016 (in Japanese)
The book has been translated into Korean.
Awards, Hirosi Ooguri:
Ooguri received the Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon from the Emperor of Japan, the Eisenbud Prize for Mathematics and Physics from the American Mathematical Society, the Simons Investigator Award from the Simons Foundation, the Hamburg Prize and the Humboldt Research Award in Germany, and the Nishina Memorial Prize and the Chunichi Cultural Award in Japan. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and of the American Mathematical Society. 
Ooguri's popular science books have sold over a quarter million copies in Japan, and one of them was awarded the Kodansha Prize for Science Books. He also supervised a science movie, which was selected for the Best Educational Production Award by the International Planetarium Society and has been translated into six languages.

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