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African Potentials African Politics of Survival Extraversion and Informality in the Contemporary World


Mitsugi Endo, Michael Neocosmos and Ato Kwamena Onoma (eds.)


308 pages, paperback







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Langaa RPCIG

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African Politics of Survival

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This volume addresses two primary research concerns: first, considering extraversion (or extroversion) as a term for characterizing a region that is “mobilizing resources from their (possibly unequal) relationship with the external environment”, a dynamic that constitutes a possible African potential; and, second, a survey of competing systems and strategies with a focus on relationships between formal and informal institutions in terms of their collaborations and conflicts. In addition, this volume contains three chapters examining very recent African responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic from a variety of perspectives. The final part of this volume contains an important contribution to the conceptualization of ‘African Potentials’. This has proven to be a significant conceptual innovation, that allows intellectual access to alternative ways of thinking about latent ideas of universality. This volume is supposed to brings together perspectives on 'African Potentials' - formal and informal capabilities - for organic responses to military interventions, arms transfer, social conflict, wars and peace, collapsing states, public health - particularly the recent COVID-19 pandemic - and the potential universalism embodied in popular culture. Each rich essay hints, in different ways, at alternative conceptions of the universal that emerge in collective struggles, enriching understanding of the creative capacity of African communities to make their own history.

(Written by ENDO Mitsugi, Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / 2021)

Table of Contents

Series Preface: African Potentials for Convivial World-Making
Motoji Matsuda
Introduction – African Politics of Survival: Extraversion and Informality in the Contemporary World
Mitsugi Endo, Ato Kwamena Onoma and Michael Neocosmos
1. A Legitimate Proxy? The United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire from the Perspective of African Regional Organizations
Akira Sato
2. Overcoming the Dichotomy between Africa and the West: Norms and Measures for Arms Transfers to Non-State Actors (NSAs)
Tamara Enomoto
3. Competing Local Knowledges of an Indigenous Plant: The Social Construction of Legitimate Rooibos Use in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Toshihiro Abe
4. The Working Collapsed State as a Resilient Reaction in the Contemporary World: The Case of Somalia
Mitsugi Endo
5. When African Potentials Fail to Work: The Background to Recent Land Conflicts in Africa
Shinichi Takeuchi
6. ‘Peace from Below’ as an African Potential: Wars and Peace in South Sudan
Eisei Kurimoto
7. Institutional Bricolage in Responses to Public Health Crises in South Africa: Between Path Dependency and Flexibility
Kumiko Makino
8. Kusina Amai Hakuendwe: Diasporan Zimbabweans, COVID-19 and Nomadic Global Citizenship
Artwell Nhemachena
9. Epidemics, Negotiability and Futurity in Africa and Beyond
Ato Kwamena Onoma
10. African Potentials and the Thought of Universal Humanity: Latent Universalism in African Popular Cultures
Michael Neocosmos

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