a picture of five picture books


Achieving Peace of Mind: The Picture Book series Anshin-Get no Ehon (Achieving Peace of Mind: The Picture Book)




April 01, 2021


Kowai-michi Mawari-Michi
Okaasan ni Ohanashi Shitaikoto
Fuan-kun no Kimochi
Mendokusai ha SOS

Published by

HOLP Shuppan Publications. Ltd.

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This series comprises a new type of picture book with commentary that incorporates useful knowledge and techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy, which has proven effective in treating psychological problems in children. This is the first cognitive behavioral therapy picture book in Japan, developed in collaboration between Haruhiko Shimoyama Laboratory at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Tokyo, the University of Tokyo Press, Holp Shuppan, five popular picture book authors, and Miki Matsumaru (Tokyo Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center). Miki Matsumaru is active as a school counselor, supporting children and families. The books were created as picture books to bring peace of mind to parents and children. The titles, content, and relevant cognitive behavioral therapy techniques for each of the five books in this series are as follows.
■ Book I: “Scary Roads and the Long Way Round” Picture: Rokudai Tanaka
“Takkun,” who feels inconvenienced by his daily routine of taking the long way round because otherwise, he is scared, is now able to walk along a scary road through “breathing techniques” and “exposure” with his good friend “Miki-chan.”
■ Book II: “Dame Dame” Picture: Yasuhiko Nakatani
“Yu-kun” is about to be eaten by monsters that love kids who think poorly themselves. “Oh, yes! I am…,” he realized! “Cognitive restructuring” enables you to change your way of thinking.
■ Book III: “What You Want to Tell Your Mom” Picture: Yoshiharu Tsuchida
You can’t lie about your true feelings just because you promised to do so. In this case, you may want to say, “It would be good if you can express your true feelings well, Ma-kun.” There is a way to communicate honestly with yourself and others, and that is called “assertion.”
■ Book IV: “Anxiety-kun’s Feelings” Picture: Asuka Kitahara
When you learn to use “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy,” in which you listen to the voice of your feelings coming from “Anxiety-kun” and take action, you will be able to deal with anxiety more flexibly than before.
■ Book V: “‘So Bothersome’ Signals’ SOS” Picture: Tomoko Hasegawa
Rika, who was mentally exhausted, starts to gradually move around. Since behaviors and feelings are connected, she regains her energy by gradually increasing her activity level through “behavioral activation.” When your mind is overworked and you feel tired, you can use “mindfulness” to focus on the here and now and clear your mind.
Mothers who have read these books with their children have said they feel relieved to know exactly how to take care of their children. These picture books with commentary provide concrete support and care methods for children’s mental health problems. Children can identify with the main characters in the book and realize how to deal with their own feelings. The books can also be used for one’s own mental care, from adolescence to adulthood.

(Written by SHIMOYAMA Haruhiko, Professor, Graduate School of Education / 2022)

Related Info

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children Project, Haruhiko Shimoyama Laboratory, University of Tokyo

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