Light blue cover with book title in orange


Safety Net to Shudan (Safety Net & Friends - Seeking new connections)


264 pages, 127x188mm




May 24, 2023



Published by

Nikkei Business Publications, Inc.

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Safety Net to Shudan

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This book is a compilation of the results of the "With/After COVID-19 Employment and Livelihood Safety Net Research Committee" (Chief: Genda Yuji), conducted by the Research Institute for the Development of Living Standards (RENGO SOKEN) from fiscal 2020 to fiscal 2022. The committee examined the employment and livelihood safety net in light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, and explored the new possibilities and necessity of human connections as the foundation of society.
To this end, the committee was composed of labor economics, labor law, human resource management, social security, labor unions, and other specialized perspectives. In parallel, the committee conducted detailed interviews with individuals and organizations affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, people who have been involved in building safety nets, and people practicing new collectivization, and the results of these attempts to grasp the facts are in this book.
This book is composed of six chapters.
Chapters 1 to 3 examine the current functions of the safety net during this COVID-19 pandemic, taking into account efforts to improve the safety net since the 2000s. In addition, several important proposals are made for future developments.
While these chapters give a certain degree of appreciation to the diversifying safety net, they also point out that there is still much that can be done to improve the relationships between systems, such as eliminating gaps in the systems. Furthermore, they also point out that the safety net is no longer a problem that only some poor people are expected to face, but should be developed on the premise that anyone, including the middle class, may need it. These are all lessons that should not be forgotten from the COVID-19 crisis and the response to it.
The following chapters, Chapters 4 to 6, consider measures to stop the spread of social isolation and loneliness and to realize and promote new groups and connections. The facts and examples introduced in each chapter provide some hints to those who are searching for and working to create new connections.
The common point made by these chapters is that the increasing diversity of work styles and workers does not prevent new groups and connections, but rather strengthens the need for solidarity. It is precisely because of diversity that solidarity with like-minded people with the same thoughts and goals is needed.
The book points out the importance of the role and self-transformation of existing groups such as labor unions, which have accumulated experience and know-how and are granted rights, in realizing new groups and connections.
Safety nets and friends, which is the title of this book, will continue to be considered and examined in a mutually complementary manner, and specific ideal forms for solving problems will become clear.

(Written by GENDA Yuji, Professor, Institute of Social Science / 2024)

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