Frequently asked questions and answers about Komaba Lodge are posted on this webpage.
Q:Can I apply for the International Lodge before I enroll to the University of Tokyo?
A:Yes. However, you will not be allowed to live in UToyo accommodations if you do not enroll to UTokyo.
Q:I am interested in staying at the International Lodge. How should I proceed with the application?
A:Please get an application form from the administrative section of your expected affiliated graduate school, faculty, institute or center and fill out the form completely. Then, please submit it to the same administrative section.
Q:Do I need to have a guarantor when staying in the International Lodge?
Q:Can I enter UTokyo accommodations earlier than the date indicated in the "Notification of Admission"?
Q:Can I change my room after moving in to UTokyo accommodations?
Q:Can I rent or borrow bed linen at the International Lodge?
A: A bedding rental service is available at Komaba Lodge. If you interested, please submit the ordering form to the lodge office by E-mail one week before your arrival.
Ordering Form
Q:Is there any car parking or bicycle parking?
A:There is no car parking, but bicycle parking is available.
Q:Is there a curfew?
A:There is no curfew, but please do not make a lot of noise or speak loudly. Such acts can annoy your neighbors, especially at night.
Q:Can I bring a pet?
A:No. No pets are allowed in UTokyo accommodations.