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UTokyo Diversity & Inclusion

July 16, 2024
UTokyo D&I Logo

The University of Tokyo Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

The University of Tokyo has adopted the University of Tokyo Statement on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) as guidance to all those involved in the university’s activities to encourage the creation of a fair and pluralistic society that respects and embraces diversity. A briefing paper accompanying and explaining the D&I Statement has also been released.

Information and Support

  • IncluDE Logo

    The University of Tokyo has promoted support for persons with disability and gender equality centered on the Disability Services Office and the Office for Gender Equality, which were established in 2002 and 2006, respectively, with a commitment to creating an inclusive campus. Accordingly, the University adopted the University of Tokyo Statement on Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) in 2022 and established the Guidelines for Students on Diversity of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in 2023 as well as implementing other measures.
    This new center, also called “IncluDE,” has been established by integrating these two offices with the aim of strengthening research functions in relevant fields and promoting DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) activities more comprehensively. Through its efforts to connect various activities and research based on challenges faced by those in need and to promote gender equality and accessibility, IncluDE will endeavor to coproduce academic knowledge that will make it possible to realize a society where no one is left behind.

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