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Europe no Seiji Keizai Nyumon (Shinpan) (Introduction to Europe’s Political Economy (New Edition))


358 pages, A5 format, soft cover




April, 2022



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Yoroppa no Seiji Keizai Nyumon (Shinpan)

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While there are a number of large nations like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom situated across Europe, there are also numerous small and medium-sized countries. Moreover, in some areas, the European Union (EU) carries out policy by sharing in the authority of the state, thereby playing an important role but sometimes also making it difficult to understand the whole picture of Europe. Despite leading discussions on climate change and having a significant international presence in the spheres of the rule of law and human rights, Europe continues to face severe crises, including the Euro crisis, the refugee crisis, Britain’s departure from the EU, the (post-)COVID-19 crisis, and Russia’s recent invasion of Ukraine. Although it’s common to hear short news stories about the various crises affecting different European countries and the EU as a whole, many people may not be confident in their level of accurate understanding of the background of such reports.
Although substantial literature already exists on Europe, its countries, and the EU, individually, there is not much that offers a holistic overview of the continent including details on politics, economics, and diplomacy. The objective of this volume is, therefore, to present basic but essential knowledge about Europe—such as the historical background behind the superficial news, the institutions that exist, and the relationship between the EU and its member states—in a compact and easy-to-read form that is accessible for everyone.
Part I of this volume deals first with the main Western European countries from the perspective of their political institutions, economic policies, foreign policies, and relations with the EU. Then, countries other than France, Germany, Italy, and Britain—which are particularly influential in both politics and economics—are grouped by region. Various interesting topics, such as those related to Greece and other countries that are not covered in individual chapters, as well as relations with Russia and China, are also included throughout the various information columns present across chapters.
Part II, in turn, deals with European integration. If you read the chapter on economic policy after having gained a better understanding of the history and institutions of the EU (as presented in Part I), you should be able to appreciate the depth of economic integration that is centered on the common currency (i.e., the Euro). The chapter on relations with the regions surrounding the EU, which has been significantly revised in this new edition, further explains the issue of EU expansion and its complex relationships with neighboring countries in an easy-to-understand manner. Finally, the chapter on EU security and defense policy provides a basis for understanding particularly complex and difficult policy developments.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent shockwaves through the EU and its member states, and European countries currently find themselves at a historic turning point. In order to consider the future of Europe, it is essential to have a correct understanding of the present system and history. It is my hope that this volume will serve as a first step for readers who are beginning to take an interest in Europe and, from there, to develop their interest in Europe further. Indeed, the aim is to deepen readers’ knowledge about Europe, in which 450 million people operate within the complex system that is the EU.

(Written by MORII Yuichi, Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / 2022)

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