

Information Regarding Changeover of the Academic Affairs System at UTokyo

May 18, 2017

Information Regarding Changeover of the Academic Affairs System at UTokyo

We would like to express our thanks for all your support and cooperation with the use of the University’s academic affairs system.

We had previously informed you that the changeover from the current academic affairs systems in use (UTask-Web, UT-mate) to the merged
system (UTokyo Academic affairs System) would be postponed from the originally planned date in January 2017. We would like to inform you of the new schedule for the changeover.

Schedule for Changeover

The plan for the cessation of the current system and activation of UTAS
is as follows.

Termination of current systems (UTask-Web + UT-mate)   
17:00hrs (5:00 pm) on Friday,
9 June 2017

Activation of UTAS
09:00hrs (9:00 am) on Wednesday,
14 June 2017

Please be aware that the automated transcript issuing machines will not be operating from the time current systems (UTask-Web + UT-mate) are taken off-line and UTAS comes on-line.

Logging onto UTAS
You will use your UTokyo Account to log onto UTAS. Those who are already using the existing systems will be able to use the system without the need for special procedures. Currently the address for the log in page has not been fixed, but the plan is to make it possible to transfer to the page from the log in screen of the current systems once UTAS has been activated.

How to Use UTAS
The Users’ Manual for UTAS will be made available on both UTask-Web and UT-mate prior to UTAS coming online.


Intended for
Enrolled students / International students

Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus