2nd UTokyo Environment, Safety & Health Slogan Contest
1. Purpose
There were approximately 300 accidents and disasters reported at the
University during AY 2017. The Division of Environment, Health and Safety
carries out work on health and safety issues so that all members of the
University can work and study in a safe environment.
This call for an environment, safety and health slogan is a continuation from last year‘s contest,
which was an effort to increase University members’ safety awareness by encouraging
them to carry out simple activities such as observing safety rules or improving safety manners.
Division for Environment, Health and Safety
All members of this University
4.Application Process
・There are no restrictions to number of slogans that one applicant can submit.
・Please submit your slogans using the following Google Form stating your
name, affiliation, year or job title, phone number or extension number and
e-mail address.
・Application is limited to you own previously unpublished work. However,
slogans submitted in the first contest but did not receive an award may be
・All rights including the copyright of the prize winner’s work shall belong to the University of Tokyo.
・All personal information concerning the application will be managed by the
University of Tokyo and will only be used as necessary for selection and
5.Submission Deadline
Monday, 28 May 2018
President’s Award (1), ESH Executive Vice President’s Award (1),
ESH Director General’s Award (multiple)
7.Result Announcement
・Notification: by email on June 18
・Presentation: During the UTokyo Safety Day Lecture on July 3rd
8.Contact information
Google Form→ https://goo.gl/forms/39ZXkpKgNt0xOwHn1
Contact : Safety Planning Team, Environmental Safety Group
※When sending an email, please begin the subject with “SLOGAN”.
Accepting submissions/applications
Intended for
Enrolled students / International students