CEO Renault-Nissan Alliance Carlos Ghosn spoke on global leader

Date of activity: December 19, 2012
On 19 December 2012, Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn spoke on global leadership and talent in Room 6 of the Akamon General Research Building. Professor Takahiro Fujimoto from the Graduate School of Economics opened the event, after which it was mainly led by participating students.
Mr. Ghosn took the stage after a brief introduction by the facilitator Mr. Atsushi Akiike, a PhD student at the Graduate School of Economics. He spoke passionately about the talents required to become a global leader based on his own experience of leading two multinational automakers. Mr. Ghosn pointed out three basic elements which are of utmost necessity to become a global leader: thirst for the knowledge, humility, and common sense. This was then followed by a panel discussion. Student panellists selected from the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Public Policy and the Faculty of Economics expressed their views on global leadership and posed questions as well. Mr. Ghosn tackled each question with admirable sharpness and wit.
Finally, the discussion floor was opened to the audience. Throughout the event, Mr. Ghosn expressed repeatedly that one is not born a global leader, it is rather a process that takes place with time, through education, and experience.