Joint Symposium in Celebration of the Opening of the “Seoul National University UTokyo Office ” &“ The University of Tokyo SNU Office”

Date of activity: April 14, 2014
The Joint Symposium in Celebration of Opening “Seoul National University UTokyo Office ” &
“ The University of Tokyo SNU Office” took place at the University of Tokyo on April 14th, 2014.
After greetings by President Junichi Hamada and President OH Yeon Cheon of Seoul National University, they signed the MOU on the instllation of mutual offices.
Then Hiroaki Aihara, Executive Vice President, Prof. Masashi Kimiya and two researchers from Seoul National University gave lectures.
Executive vice president Masako Egawa, Vice President Masashi Haneda, Prof. Osamu Sudo and 6 people from the Seoul National University attended this symposium which had a total attendance of about 40.
A facility tour of the "Seoul National University UTokyo office" in room 804 of the University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies was held.
This mutually establishment of offices is expected to encourage active academic interaction between the two universities, such as through the exchange of faculty members and students as well as the pursuit of collaborative research.
Signing of MOU at Seoul National University UTokyo Office