APRU 10th Senior Staff Meeting held in Tokyo

Date of activity: March 6, 2013 - March 8, 2013
The 10th Senior Staff Meeting (SSM) of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) took place between March 6 – 8, 2013 at Waseda University in Tokyo.
APRU was established in 1997 with an aim of forming a network of leading research universities focused on the advancement of the Pacific Rim, with universities across the Americas, Asia and Australasia contributing to the development of an increasingly integrated Pacific Rim community. Currently APRU has 42 leading research universities on its member’s roster.
The overall theme of the SSM was “Leading Asia Pacific Higher Education and Research: From Consensus to Action” and the University of Tokyo was represented by Executive Vice President Dr. Masako Egawa.
The APRU SSMs are convened to review developments and implementation of initiatives and activities and to prepare recommendations which are presented at the Annual Presidents Meeting, which this year will be held in June hosted by the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, Russia. One such initiative within APRU’s Thematic Priorities reviewed was on the topic of “Asia-Pacific Woman in Leadership”, a new initiative which had its initial planning meeting on the morning of March 6 organized by the University of Tokyo following a request from the APRU Secretariat.
Other discussions and sessions of the meeting, some of which took place with the participants separated into different groups were on each of the three thematic priorities.
1) Shaping Asia-Pacific Higher Education and Research
2) Creating Asia-Pacific Global Leaders
3) Partnering on Solutions to Asia-Pacific Challenges
APRU SSM website
Participants at the APRU 10th Senior Staff Meeting at Waseda University (photo by Waseda University) Dr. Egawa