8th Annual IARU Presidents’ Meeting

Date of activity: April 8, 2013 - April 9, 2013
The 8th Annual IARU Presidents’ Meeting (International Alliance of Research Universities) was held on April 8 and 9 at the National University of Singapore (NUS). The University of Tokyo was represented by Executive Vice Presidents Yoichiro Matsumoto and Masako Egawa, Professor Kiichi Fujiwara (Graduate Schools of Law and Politics) and Junichi Hirata (Manager, International Planning Group, International Affairs Department).
In addition to discussion on subjects faced by member universities and new policies, briefings on progress of activities carried out under IARU were given. The University of Tokyo reported on two themes of IARU’s Institutional Joint Workings, the “Women and Men in Globalizing Universities” and the “Alumni Associations Summit”. A workshop on the “Women and Men in Globalizing Universities” will take place in October later this year at ETH Zurich, Switzerland while the University of Tokyo will be hosting the 5th Alumni Associations Summit between September 30 and October 3.
IARU (International Alliance of Research Universities) established in late 2005, is a collaboration between ten of the world's leading research-intensive universities who share similar visions for higher education, in particular the education of future leaders.
Executive Vice Presidents Matsumoto & Egawa, & Professor Fujiwara at the meeting 8th Annual IARU Presidents’ Meeting