Todai team wins third place in 2013 ACM-ICPC

Date of activity: June 30, 2013 - July 4, 2013
On July 3, 2013, the team representing the University of Tokyo took third place among 120 universities and received a Gold Medal in the World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) held in St. Petersburg, Russia. The members of the team were Kazuhiro Hosaka and Makoto Soejima of the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Kensuke Imanishi of the College of Arts and Sciences. This was the highest rank ever achieved by a Japanese team in this international competition. Prior to this year, the best performance by a Japanese team was a Bronze medal, and this year's Gold Medal was the realization of a long-held dream.
The competition pits teams of three university students against eleven complex, real-world problems and a demanding five-hour deadline. The event, which ran from June 30 to July 4, showcased the analytical and coding skills of the contenders from 120 teams competing in the World Finals. In order to compete in the World Finals, each team first had to be selected to represent its university and to win the Domestic and the Regional Contests. Earlier rounds of the competition included nearly 30,000 contestants representing more than 2,300 universities from 91 countries. The University of Tokyo team earned a place in the World Finals by winning the Japan Domestic Contest in July 2012 and the Asia Regional Contest held in Tokyo in Nov 2012.
- ACM-ICPC World Finals:
-- Results:
-- Problems:
- ACM (press release):
Todai team