UTokyo Cohosts the Chile-Japan Academic Forum 2016 at Patagonia

Date of activity: November 7, 2016 - November 11, 2016
From November 7-11, 2016, the Chile-Japan Academic Forum at Patagonia co-hosted by the University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Universidad de Chile (UChile) and Universidad Pontifica Católica de Chile (PUC) took place in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales in Chile. This Forum was also joined by Universidad de Magallanes (UMag), who kindly offered the use of their campus in both Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales. The Opening Ceremony of the Forum took place in Punta Arenas at the main campus of UMag in the Auditorium Ernesto Livacic, and was attended by dignitaries from universities in Japan, Chile and Brazil as well as the Japanese ambassador to Chile, other local dignitaries and members from industry.
Following the plenary sessions, the venue moved to UMag’s Punta Natales campus where 12 workshops on various topics, ranging from astronomy and related technologies, fisheries and natural resources to Asian and Latin American studies took place over two days and were attended by professors, researchers and students from the various universities. A visit to Torres del Paine National Park was also included as part of the Forum. Due to the schedule of some of the participating members, satellite workshops took place in Santiago in the weeks before and after the main events in Patagonia.
This Forum is an expansion of the academic collaboration between UTokyo, UChile and PUC which grew from the UTokyo Forum in 2013 and a continuation from the first Chile-Japan Academic Forum which took place in 2014 at UTokyo.
Group photo outside the auditorium Executive Vice President Furuya giving his speech Flags of the respective host universities