The Second Cambridge-UTokyo Joint Symposium @ UTokyo

Date of activity: January 31, 2017
The Second Cambridge-UTokyo Joint Symposium was held at the Ito International Research Center on the Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo on 31 January to coincide with the CIMR-GS Pharmaceutical Sciences Workshop/Retreat. Members from CIMR (Cambridge Institute for Medical Research) and CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) of the University of Cambridge joined faculty and staff from UTokyo to discuss the progress and future direction of the strategic partnership between Cambridge and UTokyo, difficulties as well as benefits of carrying out international collaborative research and other topics of interest for both universities.
The symposium was followed by a buffet lunch in the Faculty Club within the Ito Research Center where more informal discussions took place amongst the attending members.
Group Photo Presentation by Professor Peter St George-Hyslop (CIMR) Discussion Session