【Nobel Week, Day 3】 Nobel Week Press Conference Held
Date of activity: December 5, 2015
December 5th also started out with rain. In the morning, a press conference about the Nobel Week, which begins on December 6th, was held at the Nobel Museum. More than 20 journalists from many countries, including China, Brazil and Japan, attended.
At the press conference, it was explained that the Nobel Week is a series of events not only for celebrating the Nobel Laureates but also for creating opportunities for specialists, scientists and artists from a variety of fields to interact with each other. Then, the chef and the florist in charge of cuisine and flower displays at the Nobel Banquet explained their concepts for this year’s banquet that will be held on December 10th. They said it took more than half a year to finalize the concepts for the cuisine and floral displays. The cuisine, they said, is inspired by Sweden's rich forests and greenery while the floral displays are modeled after the round shape and gold color of the Nobel Medal.
Professor Kajita, meanwhile, had a restful and relaxing morning. In the afternoon, he visited a tailor in Stockholm to rent a formal ensemble for the Nobel Award Ceremony and the Nobel Banquet.
*【Nobel Week】 is a special series of reports given during the Nobel Week.
*You can read articles about the other Nobel Week activites here: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/general/nobel_index.html