【Nobel Week, Day 11】 Professor Kajita Departs for Japan

Date of activity: December 13, 2015
Completing their 10-day schedule in Stockholm, Professor Kajita and Mrs. Michiko Kajita departed for Japan from Stockholm Arlanda Airport amid flurries of snow. Nobel Attaché Henrik Grudemo and the driver of their courtesy car, who took great care of Professor Kajita and his guests during their stay in Sweden from schedule arrangements to vehicle allocation, accompanied them to the airport, where they said their goodbyes.
This report is the last one sent directly from Sweden. Thank you for reading! The final report will be made from Japan about the press conference for Professor Kajita’s return on December 14th.
*【Nobel Week】 is a special series of reports given during the Nobel Week.
*You can read articles about the other Nobel Week activites here: http://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/general/nobel_index.html
Professor Kajita and Nobel Attaché Henrik Grudemo, in front of a Christmas tree displayed in the lobby of the Grand Hôtel The Nobel Foundation courtesy car that drove Professor Kajita and his guests throughout Stockholm during the Nobel Week A postcard with the portraits of all the 2015 Nobel Laureates