National Taiwan University – University of Tokyo Joint Winter Program Held

Date of activity: February 12, 2017 - February 19, 2017
The National Taiwan University (NTU) - University of Tokyo (UTokyo) Joint Winter Program was held in Taiwan from Feb. 12 to 19, 2017.
This program was established as a summer program in 2012, and in its fifth year, the program was held as a winter program for the first time. 15 students from both universities participated, with each student belonging to one of five research groups that had specific topics such as NGOs in Taiwan, media, urban renewal, and international relations.
After lectures by three professors from NTU, every group had off-campus fieldwork, and they made remarkable presentations on their research on the final day that were covered by a local TV station.
In addition to the NTU program, this year the UTokyo Division of International Affairs also organized winter programs at UC San Diego and Indonesia University.
After the final presentation Fieldwork Fieldwork 2