AY 2017 Spring Undergraduate Commencement Held
Date of activity: March 23, 2018
The University of Tokyo AY 2017 Spring Undergraduate Commencement was held at Yasuda Auditorium on Friday, March 23rd, 2018.
The ceremony for students from the Faculties in the humanities disciplines started at 9:15, while the ceremony for those from the Faculties in the science disciplines started at 11:30.
Followed by the University of Tokyo Orchestra’s performance of the first movement of “Divertimento in F major, K. 138” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the ceremonies began as the president, guests, the executive vice presidents, and deans of the Faculties ascended to the stage in their academic gowns.
The ceremonies opened with President Gonokami awarding diplomas to graduates representative of each Faculty. President Gonokami then gave a speech to the audience, and two representative graduates (Ms. Saya Kashiwakura from the College of Arts and Sciences in the first ceremony and Mr. Naoto Nishimura from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the second ceremony) made addresses in reply on behalf of the entire graduating class, after which the ceremonies were concluded.