T-Party Final Voting Event to Select the Coolest UTokyo Original T-Shirt
Date of activity: December 15, 2015
T-Party, a T-shirt design competition aiming to promote interaction among international and domestic students, held the final voting event to select the coolest UTokyo original T-shirt on the Hongo Campus on December 15th, 2015. The project was launched by a UTokyo international student who was unable to find a UTokyo T-shirt that he wanted to wear. He asked other international students and Japanese students to join the project and design an original UTokyo T-shirt. The T-Party event was supported by the Second University of Tokyo Contest for Planning of International Exchange Events hosted by the Division of International Affairs.
Six teams entered the design competition. International students from countries all over the world, such as Germany, Morocco and Norway, and Japanese students cooperated to design a cool UTokyo T-shirt. They actively promoted the event to other students within the University using Facebook to announce their design plans or to ask people to vote for favorite designs.
The original UTokyo T-shirts designed by competition entrants were on display at the final-voting event held on December 15. Snacks and soft drinks were provided at the event, which provided an opportunity for the members to socialize with other students and guests. Peter Plötner, one of the T-Party organizers and a German third-year Doctoral student in the Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, said "We want to hold a similar event next year too. We would be very happy if even more Japanese students participate in next year's event." Saori Henmi, a Japanese third-year undergraduate student in the Faculty of Education who also helped organize T-Party, added "Japanese students also showed an interest in the project and actively participated in voting through Facebook. I would be very happy if we could invigorate interaction among international and Japanese students by getting more students involved in this kind of event."
The next goal of T-Party organizers is to negotiate with the University so that they will be able to sell the original UTokyo T-shirt that won the largest votes at the University’s co-op stores. (For more details about T-Party, visit here.)
Three other projects selected for the Second University of Tokyo Contest for Planning of International Exchange Events are shown below. Your participation would be greatly appreciated.
Symposium The Pacific Alliance: Opportunities and Challenges for Japan (hosted by Todai Latin-American Association)
Date: Friday, January 29, 2016 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm @ Lecture Room 31 in Engineering Building No. 3 (Hongo Campus)
A symposium discussing the Pacific Alliance, an economic and political organization of Latin American countries
(Open to University of Tokyo members)
Event UTokyo Cultural Fashion Fiesta (hosted by Sri Lankan Student Association)
Date: Friday, January 29, 2016 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm @ Hongo Campus (Open to University of Tokyo members)
A cultural exchange event in which participants present and share traditional clothes and foods from their home countries around the world
Contact: utokyo.slsa@gmail.com
Workshop Tell the world: Global research outreach at the University of Tokyo (hosted by the University's Public Relations Office)
Date: Friday, January 26, 2016 from 1:30pm to 5:30pm
Workshop regarding how to communicate research results in English to a global audience (Open to University of Tokyo members)
Registration: https://webform.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/Forms/utokyoresearch/
Contact: utokyo-research@ml.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp