
[Call for applications] IRCN and Chen Institute Joint Course on Neuro-inspired Computation

February 15, 2024


Type Accepting applications
Intended for General public / Enrolled students / International students / Alumni / Companies / University students / Academic and Administrative Staff
Application Period February 15, 2024 — March 22, 2024
Location Hongo Area Campus
Venue TBD (Inside UTokyo Hongo Campus)
Entrance Fee No charge
Registration Method Advance registration required
Registration Period February 15, 2024 — March 22, 2024


In an unprecedented collaborative effort, the World Premier International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN) at the University of Tokyo and the Tianqiao & Chrissy Chen Institute (Chen Institute) are proud to present an innovative course designed to explore the frontier where natural and artificial intelligence converge. It delves into critical areas such as intrinsic dynamics, network architectures, prediction, plasticity and criticality, as well as multi-agent learning and neuromodulation, highlighting the potential for cross-disciplinary innovation in understanding cognitive processes.

Participants will benefit from a rich program featuring lab tours at leading research facilities, global networking opportunities, collaborative writing for a special issue on neurointelligence, and interactions with world-class speakers. This course is designed to inspire a diverse cohort of students, researchers, and professionals to engage deeply with the latest research and contribute to the evolving field of neurointelligence, fostering a global community committed to advancing our understanding of cognitive systems.

About IRCN: Launched in 2017, the World Premier International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN) at the University of Tokyo has advanced scientific progress at the interface of developmental neurobiology, clinical neuroscience, and computation toward next generation A.I. Through synergistic collaborations it seeks to establish a new field of “Neurointelligence” in science and society.

About Chen Institute: Driven by their intense desire to understand how perceptions are formed and impact our behavior, husband and wife Tianqiao Chen and Chrissy Luo established the Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute in 2016 with the mission to benefit humanity. Chen Institute partners with world-leading universities and research institutions to drive fundamental brain research through in three key areas – brain discovery, brain treatment, and brain enhancement.

Course details

Dates: July 16 (Tues)-19 (Fri), 2024
Venue: TBD (Inside UTokyo Hongo Campus )
Host: International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN) and Tianqiao & Chrissy Chen Institute
Language: English
Application (Required by March 22, 2024): Application Form. See below for detailed instructions.
For enquiries, please contact: (replace "_at_" with @)


Eva Dyer (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Pawel Herman (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Dmitry Krotov (MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab)
Simon Schultz (Imperial College London)
Taro Toyoizumi (Riken Center for Brain Science)
Naoshige Uchida (Harvard University)
Leila Wehbe (Carnegie Mellon University)
Kazuyuki Aihara (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Zenas Chao (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Shin Ishii (Kyoto University / WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Yasuo Kuniyoshi (Graduate of School of Information Science and Technology / WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Yukie Nagai (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Kenichi Ohki (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)
Takamitsu Watanabe (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo)

Application procedures in detail

We recommend that you apply early in order to ensure that your application arrives by the deadline. Please read through the instructions and the Application FAQ (Important Information) before you prepare the application. Failure to follow all the instructions may eliminate your application in the selection process at an early stage. Selection results will be sent by email 3-4 weeks after the application deadline. All documents should be prepared in English.

Application deadline: Friday, March 22, 2024, 1500hrs, JST

The deadline for the recommendation letter is also the same day. Please ask your supervisor to upload a letter of recommendation to this link.

Requirements (All documents should be prepared in English)
Please make sure the documents are combined in ONE PDF file maximum 10MB
The file name should be applicant’s “firstname_lastname.pdf”.

    CV with publication list
    One page statement includes; 1) your current research, 2) motivation for application and 3) future of neural computation, your vision of where the field is headed
    A letter requesting financial support (For those who need it)

Separately uploaded

    A letter of recommendation from your supervisor

Application FAQ (Important Information)

Please read carefully to see if your question has been answered here.

1) Is my enrollment ensured when I get an acceptance notification?
Even though you get an acceptance notification from Neuro-AI Computation Course Committee, there is a possibility that a VISA can NOT be granted in a timely manner so that you end up not participating in the Course because of some political issues or the current instability in the world. Please be sure that the IRCN travel policy can’t support your travel if you don’t belong to any Institute/University during the Course.

2) What are the requirements to fulfill during the Course?

    Participate in all scheduled activities throughout the lecture course.
    Present a poster of your research at your current institution for the purpose of scientific interaction.
    Submit the course survey at the conclusion of the Course.
    Please note that failure to fulfill these requirements will result in the denial of your financial support and certificate of attendance.

3) How can I prepare application documents?
Curriculum Vitae (must include the following categories)

    Education (provide the institution name, highest degree obtained, and the years you studied there; start with your most recent degree)
    Research experience

II. Motivation Letter (Reason why you wish to attend the Course)
Please write a brief statement of approximately 500 words, summarizing your research background including specific fields, experimental work, laboratories, etc., and how you plan to incorporate what you learn into your current and future research work.

III. Future of neural computation: Your vision of where the field is headed

IV. A letter of recommendation from your supervisor
A recommendation letter should be directly uploaded by your supervisor. upload link

V. A letter requesting financial support (For those who need it)
Financial support for travel and accommodation will be considered for those without external funding or salary. Any candidate intending to request financial support MUST request it when submitting his/her application. Your letter should state why you require the support.

4) What kind of financial support does the IRCN Neuro-inspired Computation Course offer?
Those who submit a financial request letter and are approved will receive the following support. Applicants must follow IRCN's travel itinerary in accordance with IRCN's regulations.
Round-trip airfare* (economy class) and transportation fee between Narita/Haneda Airport and IRCN
Domestic transportation (e.g. bullet train (Shinkansen)) fare for those traveling from within Japan
Accommodation during the Course

*The IRCN appointed travel agent will arrange your air tickets. They will contact you for your details. Please do NOT purchase your ticket on your own.
The transport route, in principle, must be both the most economical and the most reasonable.
There will be no salary supplement or support for food expenses.

5) How much are the registration fees?
No registration fees are required.

6) When is the deadline for the letter of recommendation?
The deadline for submission of the letter of recommendation is the same as the application deadline.

7) When will the selection results be announced?
Selection results will be announced around early April.

8) Eligibility
Eligible applicants must be enrolled in an academic institute or company at the time of application throughout the Course period. High school students are not eligible.
Inquiries regarding further eligibility won’t be answered. We encourage you to apply if you are interested.

9) Are multiple applications possible?
No, only the most recent will be considered.

Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus