Tokyo College Event “Transtopia: A Keyword for Our Century”

Type | Lecture |
Intended for | General public / Enrolled students / Applying students / International students / Alumni / High school students / University students / Academic and Administrative Staff |
Date(s) | September 6, 2024 09:00 — 10:30 |
Location | Online |
Entrance Fee | No charge |
Registration Method | Advance registration required
Zoom Webinar |
Registration Period | August 28, 2024 — September 6, 2024 |
Contact | |
This lecture is part of the Queer and Feminist Movements in Asia Series – Exploring the Possibility of Queering the Boundaries of “Asia.”As a broad category of identity, “transgender” has given life to a vibrant field of academic research since the 1990s. Yet the Western origins of the field have tended to limit its cross-cultural scope. Howard CHIANG proposes a new paradigm for doing transgender history in which geopolitics assumes central importance. Defined as the antidote to transphobia, transtopia challenges a minoritarian view of transgender experience and makes room for the variability of transness on a historical continuum.
LectureHoward CHIANG (Professor of East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies and Lai Ho & Wu Cho-liu Endowed Chair in Taiwan Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Iris ISSEN (Project Assistant Professor, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo)
Shannon WELCH (Project Researcher, Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo)