

Name 山崎 雅人 / YAMAZAKI Masahito
Degree PhD
Occupation Professor
Biography I am Masahito YAMAZAKI, a professor of physics and mathematics at the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science as well as Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), the University of Tokyo. I am also affiliated with the Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences.
Contact phone number +81-4-7136-4940 (IPMU general)
Affiliation Graduate School of Science
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science; Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
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Research outline My research area is theoretical physics, in particular theoretical high energy physics and mathematical physics. I have been working broadly on quantum field theories and on string theory, sometimes at the interface of neighboring areas such as mathematics, particle phenomenology, cosmology and statistical mechanics.
Specialty theoretical physics, high energy theory, string theory, mathematical physics
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Other links Masahito Yamazaki's Web SiteOpen a new window
Masahito Yamazaki's Web Site: List of PublicationsOpen a new window
Masahito Yamazaki's YouTube ChannelOpen a new window

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