
YAMADA Hiroshi

Name 山田 弘司 / YAMADA Hiroshi
Degree PhD
Occupation Professor
Biography I am doing research of plasma physics and controlled nuclear fusion based upon magnetic confinement experiments.
Contact email ※at を@に置き換えてください。 / Please replace "at" with @.
Contact phone number 04-7136-4342
Affiliation Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Department of Advanced Energy
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Research outline Fusion energy could be a game-changer to address the energy crisis. Temperature beyond 100 million degrees Celsius is required to make fusion happen and fuel of hydrogen becomes plasma. This plasma is extremely complex system though not to the extent in life and a fusion reactor is also a complex engineering system. We are tackling studies for establishment of physics model to predict behavior of plasmas with much non-linearity and engineering control of system dynamics such as fuel cycle.
Specialty Fusion Science, Plasma Physics
Research theme(s) Magnetic confinement of fusion plasmas, Fusion reactor design
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