

Name 原田 尚美 / HARADA Naomi
Degree PhD
Occupation Professor
Biography She plays a role of international collaboration to promote lots of actions relevant to the UN Decade of Ocean Science. She has served as a co-chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of the Ecosystem Studies of Sub-Arctic and Arctic Seas (ESSAS), the regional program under the international project of Integrated Marine Biosphere Research. She also serves as the Japan National representative of the Scientific Committee on Oceanographic Research, International Science Council.
Contact email naomi.harada[at] ※[at]を@に変換してください。/ Please replace [at] with @.
Affiliation Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
Center for International Collaboration
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Research outline A major focus is biogeochemical and marine material cycles research in the Pacific subarctic to polar regions. Reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment of in the same region is also ongoing, using seabed sediments. In addition, research has been initiated into the use of the unique properties of phytoplankton, obtained as a by-product of Arctic Ocean research, to contribute to carbon neutrality.
Specialty Biogeochemistry, Paleoceanongraphy
Research theme(s) Biogeochemical and marine material cycles research in the Pacific subarctic to polar regions and paleoceanography
Keywords related to research themes Biogeochemistry, Phytoplankton, Subarctic of the North Pacific, Arctic Ocean, Paleoceanography, Sediment trap
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