IKEDA Makoto
Name | 池田 誠 / IKEDA Makoto |
Degree | PhD |
Occupation | Professor |
Affiliation | Graduate School of Engineering |
Affiliation site URL | http://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/foee/index.html |
Specialty | Integrated System Design |
Research theme(s) | Cryctographic engine,Hardware security,Dependable system design,High-performance 3-D range-finder |
Keywords related to research themes | Cryptographic algorithm,Cryptographic hardware,Tamper resisitiviy,Hardware security,Dependable System,Self-Synchronous Syste,Self-Synchronous FPGA,Completion Detection,Smart Image Sensor,Light Section Method,Triangulation,Time-of-Flight |
Scopus Link to individual page | Scopus |
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