UTokyo-NTU Joint Conference 2022 was held

Date and Time: December 7, 2022, 14:30-17:30 (Japan time)
An online joint conference was held with the participation of faculty members and students from the University of Tokyo and National Taiwan University. As one of the major projects in the exchange between the two universities, the joint conference, consisting of a plenary session at the university-wide level and parallel sessions at the department/division level, has been hosted by the two universities alternately since 2015.
This year's conference, the sixth in the series, was held online as last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, under the theme of "Co-creating Prosperous Future in East Asia." In the plenary session, opening remarks by the presidents of both universities were given, followed by Keynote Speeches, and Faculty and Student Presentations. Every presentation inspired very active discussion. The meeting was closed with the hope for face-to-face exchanges next year.