2024 University of Tokyo Autumn Semester Diploma Presentation and Commencement Ceremony held

The University of Tokyo 2024 Autumn Semester Diploma Presentation and Commencement Ceremony was held at Yasuda Auditorium on Friday, September 20, 2024.
The ceremony began at 10:00 a.m. with the University of Tokyo Orchestra’s performance. President Fujii Teruo, the executive vice presidents, deans of the Graduate Schools and Faculties, the directors of University Institutes and special guest Mr. Kunibe Takeshi, president of the UTokyo Alumni Association, then ascended to the stage in their academic gowns.
Following President Fujii’s presentation of diplomas to the students representing the graduating classes of each Graduate School and the College of Arts and Sciences, the president addressed the audience. Mr. Kunibe then delivered a congratulatory address to the graduates, and the students representing the entire graduating class (Ms. Kawata Tamaki, a Doctoral student from the Graduate School of Medicine, and Ms. Fei Xueer from the College of Arts and Sciences) gave speeches in reply, after which the ceremony was concluded.
A livestream of the ceremony was provided, and watched by many graduates and their families who were unable to attend the ceremony, as well as the general public.
President Fujii’s address, which was given in English, is available for viewing online here.
And Mr. Kunibe’s congratulatory address is available for viewing online here.