令和6年度 東京大学秋季学位記授与式・卒業式 祝辞(國部 毅 東京大学校友会 会長)

| 式辞・告辞集インデックスへ |

Congratulatory Address by The UTokyo Alumni Association President at the AY 2024 Autumn Commencement Ceremony

Good morning. My name is Takeshi Kunibe. On behalf of the UTokyo Alumni Association, I congratulate you on your graduation today. I congratulate your families as well. This is truly a day to celebrate.

Let me introduce myself. I graduated from the Faculty of Economics here in 1976 and joined the Sumitomo Bank. I am now Chairman of the Board of the Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group. This past July, I also became President of the UTokyo Alumni Association.

Our Alumni Association began in 2004, so this year is our 20th anniversary. All graduates, students, faculty, and staff of the University of Tokyo are members, so each of you graduating today is a member as well. Compared to other universities, our alumni community is still young. But we are large. We have over 300 group members and about 250,000 individual members. We promote communication among our members and between our members and the university. Our mission is to help our university develop and prosper.

Today’s world is changing rapidly. Many areas are seeing paradigm shifts. Digital technologies like artificial intelligence are leading to innovations and changing our lives. They also create new challenges, like cybersecurity problems. Globalization is weakening and divisions are growing because of rising geopolitical risks. Social issues, especially environmental problems, are getting worse. We must address these issues now through education, business, and government.

In this time of paradigm shifts, old ways of thinking no longer work. We need new approaches. We need people who have the intellect to identify problems and come up with solutions. We need people who have the sensitivity to see change early and understand where the world is heading. We need people who are open to accepting diversity.

In the University of Tokyo Charter, our university promises to “pursue the truths and universal realities transcending the national, ethnic, and language barriers”. All of you, in diverse ways, have pursued those truths and realities as well. You have increased your knowledge, and you have gained the intellect, sensitivity, and acceptance of diversity needed to solve the world’s problems. Some of you will work in business. Others will continue in education and research. Whatever you do, I hope you will help to resolve the issues we all face. Please lead the way in making the world better.

To change the world, it’s important for people on different paths to share their knowledge and to work together. In the years ahead, you may not meet your classmates very often. But please keep in touch with the friends you made here. It’s easy now to stay connected online. To make those connections even more valuable, please use our Alumni Association. We bring together UTokyo graduates around the world. One of our activities is the Homecoming Day that we hold for graduates every autumn. I hope you will all join us there.

Many of you have come to Japan from other countries, and you may soon go back home. The UTokyo Alumni Association now has 59 branches in 35 countries and regions. Wherever you are, please contact the UTokyo Overseas Alumni Association in your area. I am sure that this network will help you in your future careers.

A bright future is waiting for each of you. If you apply what you learned here and connect and work with each other, you can make our world a better place. Once again, congratulations on this important turning point in your lives. I wish you every success in the years ahead.
Thank you.

KUNIBE Takeshi
The UTokyo Alumni Association
September 20, 2024

