The 43rd Policy Platform Seminar : From New Lens Scenarios to Pathways to Net-Zero Emissions

Type | Lecture |
Intended for | General public / Applying students / International students / Alumni / Companies / University students |
Date(s) | May 26, 2016 13:00 — 14:45 |
Location | Hongo Area Campus |
Venue | Room 201, The School of Law Bldg. |
Capacity | 60 people |
Entrance Fee | No charge |
Registration Method | Advance registration required |
Contact | |
The Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance (STIG) program will hold the 43rd Policy Platform Seminar, inviting Mr. Wim Thomas as a guest speaker to the “Case Study (Scenario Planning: Practice and Theory)” course.
Abstract: The Shell New Lens Scenarios published in 2013 are part of an ongoing process used in Shell for over 40 years to challenge executives’ perspectives on the future business environment. These scenarios explored alternative ways political, economic and societal decision-making could evolve in the world and the associated impact on the energy system. They also described two alternative pathways to global net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, an outcome ultimately required for stabilizing climate pressures and meeting the aspirations expressed in the Paris Agreement.
Guest Speaker: Wim Thomas Chief Energy Advisor, Global Business Environment, Shell International B.V.