

Empowerment of Women in the Arab Region – Advancing Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda

May 16, 2024


Type Lecture
Intended for General public / Enrolled students / Applying students / International students / Alumni / Companies / High school students / University students / Academic and Administrative Staff
Date(s) May 30, 2024 14:00 — 15:30
Location Hongo Area Campus
Venue HASEKO-KUMA HALL (Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 11, UTokyo)
Capacity 120 people
Entrance Fee No charge
Registration Method Advance registration required
We will close registration once the maximum capacity (approximately 120 participants) is reached.

Registration form
Registration Period May 15, 2024 — May 30, 2024
Contact E-mail: ifi_undp_event[at]
(replace [at] with @)
We will invite Dr. Abdallah Al Dardari, UN Assistant Secretary General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States, and he will give remarks on topics including the socio-economic and development situation of the Arab region from the standpoint of the United Nations agency working for development assistance on the ground, and he will also interact with students. We especially welcome the active participation of UTokyo students.

Opening Remarks FUKUSHI Kensuke
Director and Professor, the Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo
Keynote Speech Dr. Abdallah Al Dardari
UN Assistant Secretary General, UNDP Assistant Administrator and Director of the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States
Discussion with Students
Q&A session
Closing Remarks Hideko Hadzialic
Director, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Representation Office in Japan
[Call for UTokyo Student Discussants]
UTokyo students (undergraduate and graduate) are invited to apply as discussants. Any UTokyo student (undergraduate or graduate) is welcome to apply, regardless of their faculty or graduate school affiliation. If you wish to participate as a discussant, please register using the form below by 5pm on Friday, May 24.

Registration form (UTokyo Student Discussants)
*You will be requried to sign in with your UTokyo Account.

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Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus