Event report: Global Competence Days 2020

We held an online event “Global Competence Days 2020” on June 9, 11, 15, and 17, 2020. The event, which was held through Zoom, was aimed at first-year undergraduate students who have registered for the Go Global Gateway program.

In the event, we gave an overview of the Go Global Gateway program. In addition, the Globalization Office on Komaba campus introduced the Global Praxis program and Peer Study Abroad Advisors. Also, students, who previously participated in the Winter Programs offered by the Go Global Gateway program (in collaboration with Australian National University and Free University of Berlin), gave presentations on the content of the Winter Programs, their reflections on the Programs, and advice for the freshmen who participated in this event.

After the presentations, the participants in this event divided into small discussion groups. Each group had one participant in the Winter Programs, and s/he answered questions asked by the freshmen.

We are planning to hold similar interactive events that are designed for students who have registered for the Go Global Gateway program. Please keep your eyes on our website and join our future events!