This is a bookshelf where authors can speak about their own works selectedfor a UTokyo Grant for Academic Publications (UTokyo Jiritsu Award for Early Career Academics).
Eigakan ni narihibii...
The sounds that resounded in the movie theaters. W...
Aldo Rossi: Kioku no...
My first encounter with Aldo Rossi may have been r...
Ho Shigai no Touzai ...
Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) interpreted his theo...
Jiyū to jiko no tets...
In this book, I discuss philosophical questions re...
Iden ni tsuite Kazok...
Cancer is a disease caused by a complex combinatio...
Kawabata Yasunari no...
Which part does one read, when one reads a novel? ...
Ishiki to “Wareware”
What am I recognizing and doing right now? What ar...
Shokuminchi Chosen n...
“Music broadly consists of major keys and mi...
Violin o Hikihajimet...
We humans like everything to be easy, but playing ...
Syukyo no Jiyu to Fu...
“America is a land of religious liberty.&rdq...
Ozu Yasujiro wa Naze...
Focusing on Ozu Yasujiro as a symbol of Japan'...
Koe naki mono no Koe...
As the subtitle indicates, this book is about the ...
Nihon no Nanmin Hogo
This is the first political science book on refuge...
Gakō no Kindai
This book explores the activities of scientific il...
Kierkegaard Bigaku S...
What should we do to overcome human spiritual drea...
“Gendai sonraku” no ...
What is a village community in contemporary societ...
Kizoku no Bigaku
During college, I worked part-time at a sushi rest...
Shinkokin Jidai no W...
In the history of Japanese poetry, the Man’y...
Senkyoshi to Chugoku...
The 19th century delineates the advent of modernit...
Zui-Tou Rakuyou no T...
Which cities come to mind at the mention of China&...