

Symposium on Internationally Cooperative Projects in Higher Education in a Knowledge-based Economy

June 1, 2017

Date of activity: May 29, 2017

The “Symposium on Internationally Cooperative Projects in Higher Education in a Knowledge-based Economy” was held in Room 6C06-07, Faculty of Engineering Bldg. 3 on Monday, May 29, 2017. The symposium was co-sponsored by the Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers’ Association (JAIMA). In addition to students, faculty and staff members from UTokyo, related and interested participants from JAIMA, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), related Vietnamese ministries, Yangon Technological University (YTU), as well as related Japanese ministries and governmental agencies attended the symposium, totaling about 50 participants.
UTokyo promotes the On-site Education Program on Analytical Chemistry (OEPAC) as part of its Strategic Partnerships Project with VNU and YTU. OEPAC provides education from UTokyo in instrumental analytical chemistry to leading overseas universities in cooperation with JAIMA. This project is based on the idea that human resource development is one of the most important issues in the era of knowledge-based economies where new knowledge produces new technologies and value, ultimately creating new markets. It seeks to contribute to industrial and academic developments in partner countries and universities, improving processes such as recruitment and networking for businesses as well as accepting excellent students and young researchers to UTokyo, leading to the production of a new framework within higher education that will benefit all participating countries and institutions.
At the symposium, 11 presentations were given by representatives of each party to share their activities, as well as a panel discussion on internationally cooperative projects in higher education and human resources strategy and future prospects. It was a great opportunity for opinions to be exchanged among the participants.

Related URL
 Strategic Partnerships Project

  • Group Photo with Mr. Toshiyuki Ikeda, Vice President, JAIMA and participants from Vietnam and Myanmar
    Group Photo with Mr. Toshiyuki Ikeda, Vice President, JAIMA and participants from Vietnam and Myanmar
  • Panel Discussion
    Panel Discussion
  • Group Photo
    Group Photo
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