AY 2022 Undergraduate Matriculation Ceremony held

The University of Tokyo AY 2022 undergraduate matriculation ceremony was held at the Nippon Budokan the morning of Tuesday, April 12th.
The ceremony was held only with new students, in order to minimize risk of infection of COVID-19. Approximately 2,800 new undergraduate students attended the ceremony.
President FUJII Teruo, the executive vice presidents, deans of the Faculties and Graduate Schools and the directors of University Institutes went on stage, along with special guests Ms. KAWASE Naomi, film director; and Mr. MUNEOKA Shoji, chairman of the UTokyo Alumni Association.
President Fujii gave a speech to the new students on behalf of the university, followed by a speech from Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences MORIYAMA Takumi. Ms. Kawase and Mr. Muneoka then gave congratulatory messages to the new students. Next, Mr. O Naruaki, a student in the College of Arts and Sciences (Humanities and Social Sciences II), took an oath on behalf of the entire incoming class, after which the ceremony was concluded.
Live streams of the ceremony were provided, and watched by many new students and their families who were unable to attend the ceremonies, as well as the general public.
A translated version of President Fujii's speech for the ceremony is available for viewing online here.