

Imperial College London and University of Tokyo to lead cleantech revolution

May 25, 2023

Imperial College London and the University of Tokyo have announced a major new strategic relationship for cleantech and energy research.

The partnership was announced by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at a UK-Japan business forum ahead of the G7 Summit in Hiroshima. 

The partnership builds on major industry-research centres in climate repair and energy systems that both partners have with Hitachi, Ltd. 

The Presidents of Imperial College London and the University of Tokyo signed the agreement ahead of the G7 Summit, witnessed by the Executive Chairman and the Chief Technology Officer of Hitachi, Ltd. 

All three organisations have an ambition to create a sustainable society and accelerate the transition to zero pollution.

For more information, please click here.

From left, Ms. Natalie Black, UK Asia Pacific Trade Commissioner, Professor Hugh Brady, President of Imperial College London, Professor Teruo Fujii, President of the University of Tokyo, Mr. Toshiaki Higashihara, Executive Chairman of Hitachi Ltd., Mr. Itaru Nishizawa, Chief Technology Officer of Hitachi Ltd.
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