

Launch symposium on the latest OECD PISA results in Asia

November 28, 2023


Type Symposium
Intended for General public / Enrolled students / International students / Companies / University students / Academic and Administrative Staff
Date(s) December 6, 2023 13:00 — 17:30
Location Hongo Area Campus,In-person and online
Venue Yasuda Auditorium (MAP)
Entrance Fee No charge
Registration Method Advance registration required
Application Form
Registration Period November 21, 2023 — December 6, 2023

Graduate School of Public Policy

Public Relations Team

With the release of the latest OECD PISA 2022 results on December 5, 2023 (Paris time), a symposium on the future of education will be held in Japan, with a focus on Asia, to contribute to the formulation of education policies based on evidence from PISA.

The purpose of the symposium is to present the latest PISA 2022 results and analysis, with a focus on Asian countries, and to discuss future education issues among educators in Japan and Asia based on the latest trends in student learning and well-being as revealed by the evidence.
In particular, PISA 2022 included a detailed survey of mathematical literacy. Also, that in Asia, student well-being (WB) has long been low compared to academic achievement. Moreover, WB has been included in the goals of education in the OECD's Learning Compass, and the importance of WB was emphasized at the G7 Education Ministers' Meeting held in Japan in May 2023, and so on. In light of these facts, we will hold discussions that will delve deeper into the following topics: "Student Learning for the Next Generation" and "Student Well-Being - How to Support Agencies?"

Organized by: Well-Being Research Unit, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo (Representative: Kan Hiroshi Suzuki)
Co-organized by: OECD, Mitsubishi Memorial Foundation for Educational Excellence
Cooperation: NTT EAST, Benesse Corporation

English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation

Time Program Speakers
12:30 Registration  
13:00-13:30 Opening remarks Greetings from Organizers
Prof. Kan Hiroshi Suzuki, Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo (Well-being Research Unit) ; Bureau Member of OECD Education 2030 ; Former State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Greetings from co-sponsors
Mr. Yoshiki Takeuchi, Deputy Secretary General, OECD
Mr. Masao Imose, Executive Director, Mitsubishi Memorial Foundation for Educational Excellence
Greetings from the Guest of Honor
MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)
Part 1 The latest OECD PISA results
13:35‐14:10 Overview of PISA 2022 results: current status and challenges in Asian countries in international comparison Mr. Yoshiki Takeuchi, Deputy Director General, OECD
Mrs. Belfari Obara, Director, PISA Division, OECD
14:10-14:25 Break  
Part 2 Panel Discussion 

Topic1: Learning to build the societies of the future
Prof. Yuri Uesaka, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo
Panelists (tentative)
Prof. Motoko Kotani, Executive Vice President, Tohoku University; Mathematician Chair of the Science Education of International Science Council
Dr. Michele Bruniges, Chair, PISA Governing Board Former Secretary of Education, Australia
Mr. Kazunari Ide, General Manager, CIS Department Digital Innovation Headquarters, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. 
Katsunobu Toko, Former Principal, Okayama Prefectural Junior High School (Mathematics)
15:35-15:50 Break  
15:50‐17:00 Topic 2: Student Well-Being - How to Support Student Agency Moderator
Prof. Kan Hiroshi Suzuki, Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo (Well-being Research Unit); Bureau Member of OECD Education 2030; Former State Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Panelists (tentative)
Dr. Vinod Rao, Education Secretary, Gujarat, India
Dr. Christine Choi, Secretary for Education, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Prof. Yukiko Uchida, Professor, Kyoto University; Director, Research Institute for Human and Social Futures; Member, Central Council on Education
Mr. Hisaya Miyamoto, Secretary General, National Association of Senior High School Principals; Former Principal, Tokyo Metropolitan Hachioji Higashi Senior High School; Member, Mitsubishi Memorial Foundation for Educational Excellence Advisory Council
17:05-17:30 Closing remarks Dean Masaaki Katsuno, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo
Ms. Naoko Ueda, Director, OECD Tokyo Center
Access Map
Kashiwa Campus
Hongo Campus
Komaba Campus