Long-term Risks and Future Generations

区分 | 講演会等 |
対象者 | 社会人・一般 / 在学生 / 留学生 / 卒業生 / 企業 / 中学生 / 高校生 / 大学生 / 教職員 |
開催日(開催期間) | 2024年1月11日 16時 — 17時30分 |
開催場所 | 本郷地区 |
会場 | 東京大学本郷キャンパス 国際学術総合研究棟4階 講義室B 地図はこちら:https://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/access/ |
参加費 |
申込方法 | 要事前申込
下記の申込フォームに必要事項をご記入の上、ご提出ください。 https://forms.gle/HXkSvR8JCiA3azo76 |
申込受付期間 | 2023年12月28日 — 2024年1月11日 |
お問い合わせ先 | 東京大学 公共政策大学院 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学(STIG)教育・研究プログラム STIG事務局(STIG@pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp) |
第141回STIG PoPセミナー「Long-term Risks and Future Generations」
Protecting the Future People’s Future: How to Operationalize Present People’s Unfulfilled Promises to Future Generations
by European Journal of Risk Regulation (2023)
As societies become more concerned with their impact on future generations, the question of how to translate that concern into greater consideration in contemporary decision-making is coming to the fore. Despite growing societal acceptance of the ethics of obligations to the future – as reflected in record-high number of future-sensitive constitutions and international treaties – present generations’ promises to future generations remain unfulfilled. After providing a systematic account of the multiple efforts at aligning the actions of decision-makers with the interests of future generations, this paper argues that to achieve the inclusion of future generations’ interests in contemporary policymaking requires more than the codification and successive establishment of new and scattered institutions, mechanisms and procedures. It rather calls for a more holistic, future-oriented and proactive approach by all public authorities. These must increasingly be expected to create the conditions not only for policymakers to consider the temporal dimension of their decisions, but also for all stakeholders to hold present people accountable to future generations. And do so beyond the environment and climate space. This is the spirit animating the European Journal of Risk Regulation’s Special Issue devoted to long term risks and future generations: to nurture a more imaginative theorization and operationalization of the recognition of future generations’ interests in contemporary policymaking beyond today’s institutional and conceptual models.
Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, HEC Paris
Founder, The Good Lobby
Alberto Alemanno is the Jean Monnet Professor of law & policy at HEC Paris and Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy. Alberto’s research and public interest work have been centered on how law and policies may be used to improve people’s lives, through the adoption of power-shifting reforms countering social, health, economic, and political disparities of access within society. Due to his commitment to bridge the gap between academic research and policy action, he set up the nonprofit, The Good Lobby, a nonprofit committed to equalise access to power. Alberto regularly publishes in The Guardian, Le Monde, Bloomberg, and his work has been featured in The Economist, The Financial Times, Nature and Science. He’s the author of more than fifty scientific articles and several academic books such as the acclaimed Nudge and the Law. The World Economic Forum nominated him Young Global Leader in 2015, Friends of Europe included him among the 40under40 European Young Leaders, the Schwab Foundation awarded him as Social Innovator of the Year in 2022 and he was conferred the life-long title of Ashoka Fellow.
Protecting the Future People’s Future: How to Operationalize Present People’s Unfulfilled Promises to Future Generations
by European Journal of Risk Regulation (2023)
As societies become more concerned with their impact on future generations, the question of how to translate that concern into greater consideration in contemporary decision-making is coming to the fore. Despite growing societal acceptance of the ethics of obligations to the future – as reflected in record-high number of future-sensitive constitutions and international treaties – present generations’ promises to future generations remain unfulfilled. After providing a systematic account of the multiple efforts at aligning the actions of decision-makers with the interests of future generations, this paper argues that to achieve the inclusion of future generations’ interests in contemporary policymaking requires more than the codification and successive establishment of new and scattered institutions, mechanisms and procedures. It rather calls for a more holistic, future-oriented and proactive approach by all public authorities. These must increasingly be expected to create the conditions not only for policymakers to consider the temporal dimension of their decisions, but also for all stakeholders to hold present people accountable to future generations. And do so beyond the environment and climate space. This is the spirit animating the European Journal of Risk Regulation’s Special Issue devoted to long term risks and future generations: to nurture a more imaginative theorization and operationalization of the recognition of future generations’ interests in contemporary policymaking beyond today’s institutional and conceptual models.
Alberto Alemanno, Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law, HEC Paris
Founder, The Good Lobby
Alberto Alemanno is the Jean Monnet Professor of law & policy at HEC Paris and Visiting Professor at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Public Policy. Alberto’s research and public interest work have been centered on how law and policies may be used to improve people’s lives, through the adoption of power-shifting reforms countering social, health, economic, and political disparities of access within society. Due to his commitment to bridge the gap between academic research and policy action, he set up the nonprofit, The Good Lobby, a nonprofit committed to equalise access to power. Alberto regularly publishes in The Guardian, Le Monde, Bloomberg, and his work has been featured in The Economist, The Financial Times, Nature and Science. He’s the author of more than fifty scientific articles and several academic books such as the acclaimed Nudge and the Law. The World Economic Forum nominated him Young Global Leader in 2015, Friends of Europe included him among the 40under40 European Young Leaders, the Schwab Foundation awarded him as Social Innovator of the Year in 2022 and he was conferred the life-long title of Ashoka Fellow.