現代日本研究センター セミナーシリーズ
区分 | 講演会等 |
対象者 | 社会人・一般 / 在学生 / 受験生 / 留学生 / 卒業生 / 企業 / 大学生 / 教職員 |
開催日(開催期間) | 2024年3月7日 9時 — 10時 |
開催場所 | オンライン |
定員 | 100名 |
参加費 |
申込方法 | 要事前申込
以下のイベント詳細ページからお申し込み下さい。 https://tcjs.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/archives/6766 |
申込受付期間 | 2024年2月15日 — 2024年3月7日 |
お問い合わせ先 | contact@tcjs.u-tokyo.ac.jp |
現代日本研究センター セミナーシリーズ
Japan's Economic Gender Gap and Political Parties
Associate Professor, Faculty of Core Research, Ochanomizu University
Rieko KAGE
Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
The tax and pension systems that favor households in which the wife is a homemaker or part-time worker, known as the annual income barrier, are seen as contributing to the persistence of traditional gender roles and the economic gender gap in Japan. Why have such "familialistic" policies been adopted and maintained? Focusing on the attitudes of political parties, this presentation reexamines the view that emphasizes the conservative party's preference for gender roles and discusses that the preference for supporting low-income families, held by both conservative and centrist/leftist parties, was a factor leading to the adoption and maintenance of such policies. Drawing on the welfare state literature, it also suggests possible directions for Japan to reduce the economic gender gap in the future.
<About the speaker>
Miki Toyofuku is Associate Professor of Political Science at Ochanomizu University. Her research interests include gender and politics, public policy, tax policy, and Japanese politics. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo. Her recent publication is Miki Toyofuku, 2024, "Tradeoff between Gender and Class Equality: An Analysis of Tax Policy in Japan," Social Politics, https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxad036.