五神総長メッセージ ―多様性を包摂する社会の実現を目指して―
東京大学は、包摂社会の構築に向けた多様な知の創造に努めています。私は、総長就任の2015年に「東京大学ビジョン2020」を策定し、大学がより良い社会に向かう変革を駆動する力を備える必要性を掲げるとともに、その実現のためには、多様性diversityの追求と包摂性inclusivenessの理念が重要であると論じてきました(参照:令和元年度 東京大学学位記授与式総長告辞)。 多様性を尊重せずに、イノベーションの実現は不可能です。包摂性の理念なくして、公平性が確保されたよりよい未来社会を生みだすことはできません。新型コロナウィルス感染の世界的拡大によって顕在化した、社会に潜在する格差、不平等、偏見、そして、その結果としての社会の分断を目の当たりにして、多様性と包摂性の重要性を改めて認識しています。
五神 真
Committed to diversity and inclusion
We at the University of Tokyo believe diversity and inclusion are the key to advance human knowledge. After I was appointed President in 2015, I announced my action plan for the University during my tenure, The University of Tokyo: Vision 2020, which calls for universities to develop the capacity to drive social change and act on their own initiative in seeking to create a better society. To this end, I have argued that the pursuit of diversity complemented by the principle of inclusiveness is key (cf. Address by the President of the University of Tokyo at the academic year 2019 spring semester diploma presentation ceremony). Without diversity, there is no impetus to reconsider preconception, and we cannot make any innovations. Without inclusion, there is no fair representation of the society, and we cannot produce unbiased output.
Recently there have been active protests against various forms of discrimination worldwide, triggered by the death of Mr. George Floyd in the USA. Discrimination divides us, creates hate, and is the polar opposite from diversity and inclusion. We firmly stand against discrimination of any form, based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnic and cultural background.
We acknowledge that the University today is not perfect. We commit ourselves to work hard to achieve better diversity and inclusion.
The University of Tokyo