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Once Again, “Go Global”

Kaori Hayashi, Executive Vice President, The University of Tokyo

 The global spread of the novel coronavirus that began in the spring of 2020 has had a tremendous impact on international exchanges at the University of Tokyo. Unfortunately, many face-to-face study-abroad programs had to be canceled.
 Although the effects of the coronavirus are still being felt, face-to-face international exchange has finally resumed, and in the fall of 2022, we were able to welcome university-wide exchange program (USTEP) students for the first time in two and a half years. Our outbound programs have also begun in full and thankfully our students are studying at partner universities around the world.
 The online international exchange programs, developed during the travel restriction period, are also continuing. It is now possible to interact with people from around the world from your own home or classroom.
 Studying abroad at a young age is truly a life-changing experience--experiencing different lifestyles, making new friends, mastering different languages, and discovering fascinating research topics are treasures that you will cherish for life.
 Please take advantage of many opportunities for global experiences the university offers and reflect on the challenges that face our world. How should we understand the meaning of ever-accelerating globalization of people and things? And how may we promote dialogue and empathy with others amidst deep divisions that plague the world today?
 We now stand at the threshold of the "New Global" in the post-corona era. The University of Tokyo is committed to promoting more exchanges with overseas institutions. I hope you will be able to make the most of the various opportunities we provide to deepen your global knowledge and sensitivity.

A New “Global” in the Post-Corona Era

Yujin Yaguchi, Vice President and Director, Center for Global Education

 The Center for Global Education (GlobE) was established in April 2023 to offer a comprehensive support for globalization among the students of the University of Tokyo.
 The center will serve as a "Global Education Concierge" and provide information and opportunities for the students to develop a more global mindset. Its initiatives include "Go Global Gateway," short-and mid-term study abroad programs, international activities on campus, and many others.
 In addition, the center offers "Global Liberal Arts Courses", English-medium interactive classes for the students in the Senior Division to help them develop their ability to articulate their ideas on topics related to the SDGs.
 It is becoming increasingly important for today’s citizens to be able to imagine and understand many borders and boundaries that divide today’s world (attributes such as gender, ethnicity, language, religious affiliation and nationality) and sharpen their skills to communicate beyond differences. It is critical to recognize the presence of diverse ”others” and realize the importance and challenge of embracing diversity and inclusion.
 The Center for Global Education was established to help students do just that. Please take a look at the Go Global website (https:// www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/adm/go-global/en/) to find more information about our exciting activities.